Wednesday, May 25, 2011


So today we finished watching the movie and it ended really good i really liked this movie it was about how in 1967 there was a fire and it wasent eventualy caused by people  but i t was just one timy mistake that they made but they burned up in the space ship. it all started because the rusien and it was bicause they allway's win and so they try to be the firs men to go to the moon and the USAallways tryes to get to the moon but we mess up some times but we cant help it . so now when they try to get there first tey really dont get to because the ship that they wore in some thing really bad happened like when tey wore one tinsi biny littole bit to get there tey cant so then they get to the poin that tey have to shut down there fiul and that rally sucks for them and so then tey have to sufer from hipo thermia and there hole thing was frising with the are they brith and so they have to get to earth to there land and so they finaly get down they are thrown from space really hard that they have flames all around themand they get ther safe and sound and they get to live to tell the story but exsept jack swigert he gets cancer afther all of that .

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