Tuesday, November 2, 2010

weekly blog

This week we have all been looking fore  our topic. Well my topic is about animal abuse and sins i didn't do any thing that has to do whit animal abuse i did a topic about animals .And its about pandas i love pandas.Well what we did yesterday was we worked on a program called flash it was a really cool experience to do in this class i have never done that in my hole life i wish we did that in all the school's. But since they don't have any thing like this they cant get the same education like we do but i still like this program named flash.  Yesterday we  worked some more on our  mini game and this time we made the carrot move really fast . i think we are going to start on step 4 i hope we make it really cool. i think it will be a really big challenge but we are going to learn some more about how to make it. Well today is Friday and its a really sad day fore me. I was late fore school i got a referral i was really sad i am really frustrated at this point. I wanted to have a happy Friday but some times it dose not work out. I am also bummed that i am not going to the next dance but anyways i think its all going to be ok. I don't have to go to the dance i had enough  whit the last dance. So yes i am really sad because of the referral. That's the problem i am having whit home work but then and i tolled the teacher y i got a referral and she said(because you did not give me your home work on time). So i was really sad that that happen i started to cry but boo fore me. I guess o well then bye  sad day but I'll move on live it in the pasts

1 comment:

  1. In a nice way check your spelling with spell check that will help people read it better
