Friday, December 10, 2010

♥♥The Lottery♥♥

Yesterday we all watched a movie called THE LOTTERY i thought it was a really sad movie how some parent's had to let there children be in a lottery to be in a charter school because there are to many children who have to be chosen. It is really sad fore the parent's who worked really hard to try and mack the effort to get there children in to that school . It is sad fore some of the parent's because they really wanted there children to get a better education in life they wanted them to just have a better fiuter and archive there goal's in life.

Friday, December 3, 2010

♥♥♥What Im Reading♥♥♥

♥♥♥♥♥♥Ok i am Reading this book called dear senator and it is really cool but some of the parts are violent and cind of inappropriate well it is just one word but all that matters is that i like it and no one can make me stop reading more of it. Some of the 7th graders tell me eww !!!! you like to read. So i answer and i say yeah like yes haha i want to and i have to if i want to improve my reading. One of my greate's things to do some time's that i want an in venture and it cind of of dose work fore me. ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

(:♥Imagine your own game♥:P

                                           ☺ My Topic is: Animal Abuse☺

What 2 game genres do you think would allow you to explore this topic in a fun and engaging way?

Genre 1:Fun and color full

Genre 2: Educational and nice

Imagine and describe one game idea that incorporate your topic into one of these genres.

My game idea is: My game idea is going to be really cool and color full and it hase to have animal's in it  to. It hase  to do whit  animal abuse because of cores that is my topic after all lol.(:

New Schedule-Prompt

If feel kind of conferable whit my new class's. It kind of feels like the beginning of school all over again but except you know most of the people in your class period. i love my new class's well just how they put it in order  it is kind of nice. I don't have English in the morning now i have math which i think it is so much better. I like that how we have to meet new people that we do know but we want to now them much more better . I also miss my 6-b people i wish they can be in most of my class's. It is kind of hard to move on and  meet new people i think it is going to be a challenge to not see my friend's every single day. i hope they don't forget me ore all of our friend's.