Thursday, September 27, 2012

Play to learn part 1

 Honestly i kinda liked this game is called " Coming Home " well i guess because is the only game i got to play so yeah. Anyways i fount that game really interesting because well you had to do it at a certain speed & try to not get any mistakes .

Monday, September 17, 2012

Back To School

I feel like this school year is not the same anymore is like not organized so why sugar code it at all. Umm honestly i dont like the fact we have different principals. In some classes i would feel like we dident learn anything at all or in that case we wore not learning at all . it really gets me mad that we are suposed to feel good & safe at the school but some of us cant because their are bullyes & people are like fighting alot this year But other than that im doing good in school im kindaa happy to say that im doing better this year than last i guess is because im starting to actualy take school seriouse not playaround like i use to so yeah i feel much better . pluse i have a 2 favorit teachers they are like awesome ,funny ,& actualy take the time to teach you .

Monday, May 21, 2012

1. What did you think about the article?
It's Amazing to think that people from our school got a lot to do with this & that we do thins in our own school i think  our school is awesome for having this experience . 

2. How did it make you feel to read about your school and GLobaloria, a program that you participate in.
This Article makes like an impact on you because You Realize how lucky we are to have this program .

3. If your game was featured in the article, how did it make you feel? Proud, happy? 
I think it would make me feel like over the mode really happy.

4. If your game was not featured in the article, what would you like for the author to have said about your game? 
That i tried & it look's really nice & is like my best effort .

5. Which game do you think the author should have mentioned in his article and why? 
ADDICTION because its a good game about drugs.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Forks Over Knives! ! ! ! -_____-

The main thing you may find in the junk food you eat ( 'High Fructose Corn Syrup' ) affects your health & most of the stuff you may eat affects your life all the time.
Some people may not have that closure to healthier food because they would be surrounded by food that may not be so good for you & may not incurred you to get close to healthier.
One man said that there was such a big difference between China's food & the United States food he was like comparing it to the portions.
 In China they would get like a small plate of food filled with soup & half of meat & In The United States They would hav lot's of  soup & a hole meat slice.

Monday, March 19, 2012


 What Dose This Mean?
__Respect-Well There Is A lot Of Way's To Describe How It Feel's & What It Mean's So The Simple Est Way To Describe It Is....Well Is When You Simply Just  Be nice To People Or Treat Them Equally How You Would Like To Be Treated At All Times . 
What Does It Look Likee?  Loveing, Nice, Manner's , Respectful, Truthfuly . 

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My Game Demo Slides

Alejandra created this in flash

jose martinez created this on flash

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Note's 02-23-12

Intro Screen: Christian Alvarez
Team Intro:Christian Alvarez
Audience: Alejandra Perez
GamePlay: Jose Martinez 
Learning Goal: Jose Martinez
Fun Factor: Alejandra Perez
Smart Factor: Christian Alvarez
Style Factor: Jose Martinez
Originality Factor: Alejandra Perez

Friday, February 10, 2012


Omg  That Is Such A Mean Thing They Are Doing To Those  People They Are Abusing  There Life. Umm Know I See What Those People Have To Be Going Through Every Single Day. I Dont Know why they would keep this people in this kind of conditions  If They want them as workers who get's this abusing people I really think it's really mean the way they put them to work in sick conditions And yeah this people are made of skin and bone not some robot's that can be pushed and pushed  until they can't take it see look at it this If a worker  of die the nike people would not care . Omg they so not get payed aright maybe if they payed them some more they would be more happy  and like there work and will look out for there kid's.
Other post Just Adding To It____^
So it was all over the new's that they have people forced to work on making Nike Shoe's Etc. I cant believe they work 6 week's every day I cant believe they have all ofthis people all cramped in one little place like crabs umm they get manipulated by the people that hired them the place they live in is dirty the stuff they use is cramped up to the workers are chained when the Nike people found out they had lot's of people in nasty looking home's well it was all a building but really give them a nice place to sleep in they are people like i said just because yall have it essay dose not mean you have to make it as much more  hard as they have alread it 

Monday, February 6, 2012

object in the sky

1. How could you take this real-life event and turn this into a game.I Would Make A Drawing About What happend .
2. What genre would you focus on?I Would Most Focus On The Fire Box .
3. What skill or topic would your game teach?It Would Be All About How It Happend .
4. What would the player have to do in the game?He Would Have To Movee The Picture.
5. What would the hero of your game look like? The enemy? It Would Look Like Hulk & The Enemy Would Look Like Alien.
6. What type of animations or sounds would the player see and hear?Ahh SCARY One & A lot Of Action
7. What would be the title of your game?Fire Ball In Action.
8. Draw  a simple title screen in Flash of your game and embed it in the blog post. Remember you can use "Blogging Tips" in the Wiki to retrieved the embed code you will need.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Flash Reminders :D

Place Everything In It's Own Layer.
Place Corresponding Layer's In The Same Folder.
Label Layer's & Folder's. 
You MUST Assign Instance Name To All Symbol's
Upload ALL Of Your Work To The Wiki, Weather It Is Complete Or Not.
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